Why are you here? What purpose will you fulfill? These are philosophical questions most people who live day-to-day never think about. You are born and hopefully have parents or know where you came from. They are supposed to set an example and teach you how to survive and prosper. But somehow in the …
Tag: Politics
Nov 02
Personal Philosophy
Personal Philosophy You may not know this, but your personal philosophy has a subconscious effect on your behavior. Philosophy is more than an attitude and plays a role in your bias and thinking. Philosophy is defined as a discipline comprising at its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology – pursuit of wisdom. Philosophy …
Nov 02
Hangman There is an old phrase. “If you give a man enough rope, he will hang himself.” Of course, this is a metaphor applied to anyone who boasts about a position that is wrong in the eyes and ears of the listener. In politics it is the “flip-flopper” who changes their opinion based …
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