Category: Politics

Vet your candidates before you elect them to office and govern you.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Liar Liar Pants on Fire!   If you’ve ever been a parent raising your children, you immediately know when your child is lying.  So why do people learn to lie? What puzzles me the most is when intelligent adults lie believing others they are around or speaking to are not smart enough to know the …

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Root Causes

Root Causes Every problem has a solution. But lately those solutions are band aids that offer only a temporary fix. And yes, that solution may have to be implemented to curb the systemic problem. I’ve lived longer than most people who offer solutions to know there is a difference in each proposal. I am a …

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The dictionary defines bias as prejudice meaning a strong inclination of the mind or a preconceived opinion about something or someone. I recall a drawing in Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Two people can look directly at this picture.  And one person will see an old lady with a shawl …

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We The People

We The People             I decided to write this blog to help you understand how to apply four points that affect the kinds of decisions you make.  Decisions often have unintended consequences because you don’t foresee the “big picture.” Yet you will still rationalize your decisions to get what you want.  (Pt.#2) You want to …

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Choices           We the American people are about to choose a new leader.  As typical of any close contest with a lot at stake for the future there are false accusations and mudslinging labels applied to portray either candidate as good or bad for the country. Using the four points from my banner above, I …

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Religious Extremism All throughout history there have been religious extremists who have committed heinous and inhuman acts intent on controlling humanity.  Their purpose is to create terror in the hearts and minds of those who would oppose their idealistic views. As a behaviorist I am often in conflict with religion and its ideals.  What is …

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Quid Pro Quo             At first you wouldn’t think that this phrase would have anything to do with making a better decision.  Then read Webster’s dictionary definition:   something that is given to you or done for you in return for something you have given to or done for someone else. Any half-wit low intelligent fool …

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Commander-In-Chief   If you live in the United States, the President is the Commander-In-Chief over all the military.  During President O’bama’s term more top brass have either been fired or resigned than any other previous President. To be a strong leader requires followers.  So many have not been willing to follow the policies set forth …

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Subtle Plan How Muslims Want to Infiltrate

Subtle Plan: How Muslims Want to Infiltrate   I have several friends who get confidential information from a variety of sources.  One sent me this message a few years ago about how Muslim males will immigrate to other countries. They will use their charms to find young women who want and need to be loved …

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Peace or Conflict?   For the past two years I have listened to news reports of the growth of religious Muslim radicals.  As a behaviorist I try to see both sides of issues to apply my four points to help others make better short and long term decisions. On the peace side I see millions …

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